Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Rough Sketches

I’m addicted to soda. It tastes so good and I feel so alive for that half hour or so before the crash. It goes so good with burgers, pizza, and other various junk foods. I feel tired and bored when I don’t have it. It’s bad for you teeth, breath, and health. Gonna ease off of it and get the addiction under control.

I found that the random background elements somewhat help the composition so I left it. Overall I was just too lazy to erase it and think of something to fill the background. The bottle is a little warped. There is lots of incomplete stuff to learn from. But it’ll do as a rough sketch for now. Shaky Thumbs Up!

“Where’d our shoes go?”

“I dunno. But it’s neat that we’re sitting on thin air.”

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