Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Old Lady, why won't you ask for the seat?

The other day when I rode the bus to work, it was completely filled, luckily I obtained a seat. Unfortunately an old lady was unable to get one so she stood right in front of me holding onto the hand rails. As the ride continued, I noticed that she was looking uncomfortable and thought about giving up my seat. After all, it would be the nice thing to do. Of course I didn't want to because I didn't feel like standing up and in my head I made an excuse that if I did offered she would be offended(cuz sometime ppl don't want to be seen as weak) . So I decided to wait and see if she would ask me for my seat. I stayed comfortably seated for the next 15 minutes or so. During that time, i thought about asking her if she would like to sit down, but more so I thought about why didn't she just ask me for my seat. Perhaps she thought I was gonna be on the bus for a while, or that it wasn't her place to ask, or that I may be annoyed/inconvenienced by her request, etc. Whatever the reasons, if she needed to sit down she should have just asked. You don't get what you want in this world by not taking any actions and I'm not a mind reader.........yeah, I was pretty selfish/harsh and should have offered up my seat. Oh well. If I make it to that age, I'm asking for the seat.